POTD 1/12/20
Taken in November, 2012. At the Pasadena City College swap meet. I was down in LA for the Long Beach Comic Con, think I was even at a small press table that I'd bought. Crummy show. Really, not good at all. I mean, it's a fine show, but for me personally, it was terrible. So I blew off Sunday morning and went up to the swap meet in Pasadena, after being recommended it by Chris Cooper, better known as Coop, who I'd met and hung out with (and experience I recommend) after knowing him informally on Twitter for a time.
Taken with a Leica DLX-3, which is a camera I still love a lot. Perfect combination of size and power. The zoom isn't so great, but it's fast, and easy to hide, being about the size of a big package of cigarettes.
I still love going to swap meets and catching the right light on beautiful junk.